I love the holidays. I'll admit, we don't have much of a social life most of year, but during the holidays there is always something at attend.

The worst part about the holidays: there is ALWAYS something to attend. It's a mixed bag. While I'm enjoying being busy with fun parties and events - I crave time to myself. The husband and puppy are worn out and already asleep (yes, it's only 10pm) and I'm enjoying the peace and (mostly) quiet time for just me. So what I am doing with my me-time? Well, telling you about our latest vacation, of course.
Thanks to an amazing sale, we found some incredibly cheap flights to Orlando, Florida. We had already visited Orlando in 2005, during our senior year of high school. I'm not usually a fan of going on vacation to a city that I've already visited - but there is something wonderful in Orlando that didn't exist in 2005.
What could be so wonderful that would convince me to break all my traveling rules and visit the same city twice instead of experience something entirely new? That would be the latest addition to Universal Studios Islands of Adventure: The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.
Anyone that knows me well, and even most people that don't know me well at all can tell you that I am a HUGE fan of the Harry Potter series. I even have a tattoo inspired by the novels. Yes, I know that is incredibly crazy. But I don't think it's any crazier than anyone else's tattoo.
I am actually really surprised that I don't seem to have blogged about this tattoo. I got it done over the summer, and I'm honestly having a difficult time remembering the exact timeframe. I believe it was done sometime in June - because we moved in August and it was definitely well before that time.
Anyway, it says "wit beyond measure" which is part of the motto for Ravenclaw house. I have always considered myself a Ravenclaw, and even Pottermore agrees! My absolute favorite character in the series, Luna Lovegood, is also a Ravenclaw. The tattoo not only represents my love for the series, but my love for learning as well. It is also fitting since education has been my first career field in the "real world."

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter was awesome. It is tucked into the back of Islands of Adventure. If you've ever been, it is between Jurassic Park and Suessville.
The Harry Potter section of the park is much smaller than I imaged. The majority of the store fronts were for show only, which I found disappointing. You can visit Ollivander's, Zonko's, Honeydukes, and Owl Post (Post Office). The setting revolves around the Goblet of Fire (book four). There is even a Tri-Wizard Pep Really and Hogwarts Choir show that occurs several times throughout the day.

There are two rides: Dragon Challenge and the Forbidden Journey. The Dragon Challenge is not a new ride for the Potter expansion, but is simply the former Dueling Dragons ride revamped to be Potter-themed. This was a little disappointing since we have already been to Islands of Adventure in the past and had ridden this ride several times during our previous visit. But there were some great props along the line to the front, including Hagrid's hut and the Ford Anglia, and we annoyed many people by stopping to take pictures and holding up the line.
The Forbidden Journey was a new, Potter-themed ride. The line to ride goes through Hogwarts Castle. I think the line leading up to the ride was actually better than the ride. You encounter the greenhouse, the hall of portraits, Dumbledore's office, the Sorting Hat, and much more. The ride itself takes you on an adventure with Harry, Hermione, and Ron. It is a simulator ride, much like a lot of the newer rides at Universal. If you're really curious, you can view
this youtube video. This also takes you through the wait-line, so if you just want to see the ride, skip ahead.
DISCLAIMER: This ride takes you through the forbidden forest. If you are afraid of spiders, you will find this ride terrifying. I was not prepared for the spiders and was not happy about that portion of the ride!
We did also visit the rest of Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios. I'll always be a big fan of the Spiderman ride at Islands of Adventure. In Universal, I would have to say that my favorites are The Mummy and the new Despicable Me ride.
The roller coaster (Hollywood Rip, Ride, and Rockit) was also really awesome. It was different than other coasters in that you could select a song to listen to during the ride, and in-seat cameras filmed your entire experience.

But - Harry Potter was clearly the focus of our trip. And both Warner Brothers and Universal Studios are going to force me to break my rule once again and vacation in the same city THREE times - because guess what?!?! They are currently planning an expansion to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter that will include Gringotts and Diagon Alley.
And Universal Studios is opening a Transformers ride this summer. So I think it's safe to say that we'll being seeing Orlando again soon.