Friday, December 21, 2012

Progress Report - Part I

It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine.
Now that we've got the whole "the Mayan calendar ended but we're still here" portion of this post out of the way, let's move on to the real reason for this update.

The new year is just around the corner, and that has me thinking about all my accomplishments over the last year and what I hope to achieve in the next. These thoughts, of course, lead me to my 101 in 1001 list. 

I still have a lot of things that haven't been accomplished on this list - but I've crossed off a helluva lot of items as well. I decided not to make this into a 2012 Year-in-Review post - I'll do that later. Instead, I want to focus on what I've accomplished on my list so far - which I started tacking in November 2010. 

Here are the items on my list that have been completed:

  1.  Run a 5k
  2. Get my Cholesterol under 200
  3. Find a new primary physician
  4. Give up red meat
  5. Create a realistic budget
  6. Change my name on my passport
  7. Get a smart phone 
  8. Find a job (after contract expires) 
  9. Move into a different apartment
  10. Buy new furniture
  11. Fill our custom vase with silk flower arrangement 
  12. De-clutter the apartment
  13. Get new Christmas décor 
  14. Visit the HP theme park
  15. Visit at least one state I’ve never visited
  16. Ride a train
  17. Travel abroad
  18. Go to a Chief’s game
  19. Go to a Wizard’s game
  20. Go to a farmer’s market
  21. Go to a concert
  22. Go to the Nelson Atkins
  23. Eat at the original Oklahoma Joe’s
  24. Go to the Power and Light District
  25. Go to the WWI Museum
  26. Go to First Fridays 
  27. Go to the zoo
  28. Watch a sunrise
  29. Go wine tasting
  30. Go on a picnic
  31. Stay at the Chateau Avalon again
  32. Color my hair
  33. Get a manicure/pedicure
  34. Organize i-Tunes into playlists
  35. Buy coffee for the person in line behind me
  36. Donate goods/money to charity
  37. Go on a service trip 
  38. Volunteer at a local non-profit
  39. Choose my thesis topic
  40. Maintain at least a 3.75 GPA in graduate courses 
  41. Watch at least three documentaries (3/3)
  42. Learn to play chess
  43. Try 10 new recipes (10/10)
  44. Bake something from scratch
  45. Start a blog 
  46. Get a new handbag
  47. Get an e-reader 
  48. Go on a romantic date w/ Joe
  49. Get a tattoo
  50. Purchase and assemble Harry Potter legos
  51. Decorate my desk
I have somehow managed to accomplish half of the goals that I have included on my list.

Some of the items I've completed are small accomplishments, and others took a lot of time/money/effort - but each one gives me a sense of accomplishment and I am really looking forward to tackling the next half the list! 

I'm currently drafting a post with all of the items I haven't accomplished yet, and a plan for accomplishing them. I'm sure that all three of my readers are super stoked for the wave of blog updates I have planned after posting nothing at all for months. 

This is what happens when I get time off work. 
A day off work = blogging craziness!! 

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