Saturday, December 22, 2012

Price Tag.

Would you rather spend your money on material items or experiences?
For example, would you rather buy a shirt (that you can wear until it no longer fits) or go out to eat?

Like many people, I used to think that I'd rather have the shirt. It lasts much longer than a meal out, after all.

Or does it? 

That meal is an experience. It is a memory.
At the end of your life, are you going to remember that shirt, or are you going to remember that night out with your husband or friends?

I think I would rather spend money on experiences. So, we don't own a home. And we probably won't for several years. Instead, we buy season tickets to support the team and the sport that we love so much. And we make new memories and meet new friends.

And we travel. We see the world, and we see our country.
We spend our money on memories, not things.

Right now, we need to pay off our credit card, so we have to hold-off on spending money on travel until that is paid off. We just turned down a trip to Philadelphia. And it sucks - but we know that it's the right thing to do at this moment.

But that honestly doesn't change my mind - when I have the money to spare, I would much rather spend it on travel/new experiences. Even if that means purchasing a home later in life than most people might choose or forgoing other material possessions.

Am I crazy?
Where do you prefer to spend your money?

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