Sunday, February 19, 2012

Quarter Life Crisis

Well, we're almost two months into 2012. I've got both good and not so good updates.

I turned 25 last month. It was a fairly uneventful birthday, and since the first three weeks in January are one of the busiest times at work, I wanted it low key! I just wanted to relax. I didn't have a "quarter life" crisis, which is apparently a thing now. From what I've read, it exists because many people use 25 as an arbitrary age by which they hoped to have achieved certain life milestones - marriage, career, education, etc. I have a job I really like, I'm over halfway done with a masters degree, and I'm happily married. Although I didn't expect to be married at 25, so I was way ahead of the curve on that particular milestone, considering I actually got married super young (21 years old). But he's pretty great, and when you've known someone since you were twelve, you pretty much know what you're getting into by marrying them. :)

I suppose I can see why people may get down on themselves if they aren't where they expected to be at age 25, but it is still so young! Please, kids, don't freak out until you're 30. I think that's when I'll start getting disappointed in myself. I'd like to own a home and be back to healthy weight, so if I have not done those things by 30, I imagine I'll find myself disappointed. Luckily, I have 5 years before any such meltdown will occur. :)

Did anyone have a quarter life crisis? Or maybe you at least did some reflecting on your life and goals? Let's hear about it.

In other news, we finally get a second car! We've been a one car household for quite some time now, and while it was nice only having expenses for one vehicle, it just wasn't sustainable in the long term. Especially since Joey is getting some additional responsibilities at work, he will be working extra hours. And my hours will be changing as soon as I'm out of training for my new position.

That's right - I got a new position at work! I am currently on the first floor of the building I work in, and I'll be moving to the second floor - so I'm making a HUGE move. :) I'll be doing similar work to what I've been doing, but assisting a different student population. I've been training for past week, but I won't fully transition until I get back from Italy.

Which brings me to...Italy! I leave in less than a month (March 10th). I've known about the trip since last summer, and back then it seemed entirely too far away. Now, it's practically here! I can't believe how the time has flown.

So - new car, new job, and a trip to Europe. So far, 2012 has been fairly good to me.

We've also had our share of not-so-great things happen this year. My cousin Vernon was diagnosed with liver cancer, and while he fought bravely, he lost the battle with cancer only a month after his diagnosis. While I am sad to have lost him, it is a comfort to know he did not suffer long and he is now pain-free.

Joey's paternal grandfather was also diagnosed with prostate cancer, and while it was quite scary, he is doing very well and at this point the prognosis looks good. His maternal grandfather is in the hospital with pneumonia, but doing well.

So, as you can tell, we've had a lot of things crammed into these last two months!! I haven't done very much at all as far as the list is concerned, but I bet I can get some of my reading goals accomplished over the very long flights to Europe!

I've dumped lots of information on you (as if anyone actually read this thing!), and I know I should just blog more often - then you wouldn't be subjected to these super long posts and maybe some people would actually read about my life and my list.

I think I will really start trying to accomplish some of my movie related items of the list next - any suggestions? I'm not counting anything I've already seen, so sadly, The Wizard of Oz is off limits.

For those that don't know, this is sad because The Wizard of Oz is my favorite film of all time.

Now, we're off the hospital. Leave some comments!

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