Friday, August 26, 2011

Run, Kayla, Run!

I have some good news. I have a few good items to report, actually.

First, I have finally started the C25k program! I'm in the middle of the second week of the nine week program, and can already see a small improvement. Unfortunately, I have also
been introduced to shin splints. They have limited the amount of runs I'm able to do per week, but I'm being careful not to over-do anything because I want to be able to continue the program without having to skip any weeks or anything because.....

I also signed up for my first 5k! Not just any 5k either, I registered for the Warrior Dash, which is a 5k complete with several obstacles that must be conquered along the way. There are so many emotions that run through me every time I think about this race - fear, excitement, anticipation, dread, anxiety, motivation, determination - just to name a few! The only goal I've set at this point is to finish the race, no particular time frame in mind, and then I'll start to think about time goals for future races.

If you want to learn more about the race check out

Joe actually ran the same race here in Kansas City a few weeks ago, and the one we're registered for this time around is in St. Louis. I'll continue the C25k program and in the later weeks, as I get stronger, I hope to add some strength training as well to give my legs more power to push through a difficult obstacle or just finish the race.

In other news, we're going to be staying in Springfield for a few days next month so that Joe can help set up a new store that is being built there. I am just tagging along because I have the vacation time and like the idea of relaxing in a hotel for 3 days! In doing some research on things to do while there, I discovered that the local Y has a three-story rock wall, making it possible for me to scratch yet another item off the list! Since we have a Y membership here, I can go use the Y while I'm down there for no charge, other than the monthly membership fee was already pay. It seems like such a silly thing to be excited about, but it is one of the things I'm most looking forward to about the trip.

Fall Classes have begun, and this term my class is off to a great start. The topic of the course is leadership, and we are reading The Leadership Challenge, which is something I've read before and really enjoyed. Part of the course will include an assessment of our own leadership abilities and designing a plan to improve them, and since I tend to really like self-improvement type stuff, this is going to be a great class for me!

Up next - I think I'll talk about the 3 documentaries I watched to complete that item on the list and what I thought of them/what I learned.