6.) Mama Bear:
My mother is incredibly kind, loving, and selfless. There have been too many times to count in which she has sacrificed something (time, money, canceling previous plans) to be there for me. And never once had I had to verbalize my need for her - she just knows my needs and provides. At 26, my mother still knows the best thing to do for me in practically any situation. She is wonderful. I honestly do not know what I would do without her. I wish I had realized it earlier in life (it would have saved me a lot of pain and trouble), but mothers really do know best.
Sister, Dad, Me, and Mom at my grad school graduation |
7.) Papa Bear:
My father is the strong and silent sort of man. He doesn't tend to say much, but when he does, it means something. And most people don't realize it, but he's so funny. And he loves me unconditionally. He would do anything and everything to make me happy. He's had his share of health scares over the years, and I am so thankful that he is still with me. Some of the best memories from my childhood are the long drives I would go on with my dad. He called it the scenic route, which it was, but I'd like to think he took longer drives because he wanted to spend more time with me.
8.) Sister Bear:
My sister and I haven't always gotten along. We got along great as young children, but let's just say I was a bratty teenager, and my 5-years younger sister often received the brunt of my angst. It was totally undeserved, as my sister is an incredibly sweet person. She is not only sweet -- she is generous, beautiful, intelligent, and hard-working. We get along just fine now, however, we aren't very close. But I am thankful to have a baby sister, and thankful that we have this opportunity to build a relationship and become closer to one another. I'm quite proud of all that she has done with her life thus far. She's a good egg.
And now that I've gotten myself all emotional.. I'll move on to a few more things...
9.) Art:
Vincent Van Gogh, The Poet's Garden The Art Institute of Chicago |
10.) Travel:
Like art, travel opens our minds to new cultures and experiences. While growing up, we did't have much extra money and as result, didn't take large vacations. While in high school, however, I started having the opportunity to travel through a few organizations. And after high school, I made it a point to continue making traveling possible. I am incredibly thankful for the travel opportunities I've had - both stateside and abroad. At present, I've visited 21 states and 3 foreign countries.. and counting! I know there others much more well-traveled than myself -- and that's okay. I realize that I've been able to travel more in my 26 years than some people do their entire lives, and I'm thankful for the opportunities I've had -- but would I like to travel more? Of course!
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Bridge of Sighs - Venice |
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