Sunday, December 18, 2011

I'm baacccckkk!

It's been way too long since my last post. While life has been busy, I don't really have an excuse. I've done several things on my list since my last post, which include the following items:

  • Run a 5k (Warrior Dash Missouri, 10-15-2011)
  • Volunteer at a local non-profit (City Union Mission, Thanksgiving Day)
  • Change my name on my passport
  • Create a realistic budget
  • Go to Chief's game
  • Go to a Wizard's (Sporting KC) match
  • Maintain at least a 3.75 GPA (I still have a 4.0!)
So, while I haven't been posting, I've still been working toward accomplishing all the items on my list. I did, however, remove an item from the list. I once had a strong desire to become a pescetarian. I felt it would lower my cholesterol and make me an overall healthier person. As I've done more and more research on healthy eating, I have come and believe that red meat is a part of a healthy diet. Therefore, I decided to remove the goal of eliminating read meat from the list. I am in the process of choosing a goal to fill its place. It will probably still be something health and fitness related, potentially revolving around lowering my carb intake.

But If I'm going to lower my carb intake, it won't be until tomorrow. That's because tonight, we are going to the Power and Light district for dinner with my cousin and his fiancee. We're going to the Flying Saucer, which is famous for having 225 different beers from around the world. Beers that aren't exactly low carb. :)

We also have tickets to the Trans Siberian Orchestra concert tonight. This will be our third year with tickets and we always have a good time. It doesn't hurt that I can cross going to the Power and Light district off my list!

I hope to update again over the holidays, but I'm not promising anything. I do hope to get some more items crossed off the list now that I'm on winter break!

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