Thursday, October 15, 2015


Do you ever feel that your life is full of clutter?

I'm not just talking about physical clutter here. I'm also talking about electronic clutter and mental clutter.

Of course, I have plenty of physical clutter. There are many things in my home that aren't used and could be donated or thrown away. The items that I do use and need to keep could be much better organized.

But I also have a lot of mental clutter - there always seems to be a million thoughts running through my head at any given moment. I'm always thinking about things that need to be done, ideas for future projects, fun things to do on the weekends, etc. It can be difficult to focus when my mind is full of so much clutter!

And then, there's electronic clutter. I have documents saved in many different places, often times without any thought or organization.  I have more social media profiles than I could possibly monitor: Blogger (obviously), Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Nextdoor, Goodreads, Pinterest... oh my! There are likely even more profiles out there that I've totally forgotten. In addition, my phone is filled with applications, music, and other content that I almost never access.

Why do we fill our daily lives with so much clutter? Would it make a difference if I were to skim things down a little bit? And if I were to do so, where in the world should I even start?

I think that another social media break might be on the horizon. I think that would be a good starting point, as well as allow me to think about which platforms I really use on a regular basis, and which I could stand to delete.

Thinking and Stuff

For someone that enjoys writing, I really tend to fall behind on this blogging thing.

Sometimes, it seems that there's really not too much for me to say - and then there's the fact that I don't have any readers. But for some reason, I still feel compelled to keep this thing going.

It doesn't make any sense - but it's the truth.

I'm thinking about making some changes, reinventing the blog. I'd like to start talking about a little more than just my list of goals (which are still important).

So, I'm going to do something thinking on that - write a few new posts, and make some changes soon.