When I decided that I wanted to RUN a 5k, and not just complete one via walking, I decided to give the training plan another try. But since I failed previously, it was clear that I needed to make some changes. So, what did I do differently?
- I completed the training plan outside. (Last time, I was completing the plan on an indoor track.)
- I didn't get discouraged at how slow I was running - it was all about building endurance, regardless of the (ridiculously) slow pace.
- I didn't want to fail/quit a 2nd time. Because I quite the first time around, I was more motivated to see it through this time around. When I was hesitating to go out for a scheduled run, I reminded myself that things needed to be different this time.
When you're running outside, it's just more enjoyable - even when it's cold.
I finished the last training run with another 5k. I finished this one in almost the exact same time as my first 5k (38 minutes). But I still ran the entire time, and now I can focus on building endurance and increasing my speed.
I do have another 5k scheduled on January 16th. So, I have a few weeks to keep training and see if I can improve my time! And from there, I'm thinking about starting a 10k training plan.
Overall, I found the training plan to be quite doable, as long as I didn't worry about my pace. If I just focused on moving forward, it really wasn't too bad. I slowed down when I needed too, I just didn't let myself walk unless it was the portion of the plan that asked me to walk.
So if you're thinking about the Ease into 5k program - give it a try! If I can do it, then you can too!